In our class we have 4 literacy groups-two of which are organised by gender (a boys group and a girls group). Some Colleges/High Schools are boys only or girls only.
Write a comment giving your opinion about what would be good about working in a single sex school and what would not be so good. Which would you prefer? At which type do you think you would learn best?
Stages of Prejudice
13 years ago
I reckon that it is good to be in girls and boys groups because its good to share gender ideas.
ReplyDeleteI think i would learn best at an all boy's school.The good thing about learning in a single school is you are less distracted.The bad thing is that when you get to the real world you might find it hard to relate to the opposite.
ReplyDeleteI would like to be in a mixed school because you will learn how to co-operate with each other.
ReplyDeleteI would prefer an all girl’s school because you have got more of a chance to do the things that boys think they can do better and actually get picked.
ReplyDeleteI think that it would not be better if it was just girls in a group let alone in a school.there would always be cat fights like every day.i think it would be better to work in the two different genders, but we may have our little moments of fighting or disabaying but it would be better.
ReplyDeletedana said...
ReplyDeleteI think you would learn more at a all girls or boys school because you don`t get Distracted. But I would prefer a mixed school because you learn to cooperate better.
i think that going to a all girls / all boys school school would be cool because maybe most girls wouldnt care if their hair was being stupid or guys wouldnt use so much wax or lynx etc. and u wouldnt be put of by spudid guys who make crap jokes in the mddle of a serous matter.
ReplyDeletebut i like being at a girls/boys school because some of my m8s are guys and yea and i think its better to mix our genders than allways being girls or guys in EVERTHING!!!!!
room 8
i think that it's good to be in a girls and boys school because it's good to have both female and male opinions in all subjects.
ReplyDeleteI think that going to a girls school is better because you have more opportunities to get into stuff.But I prefer going to a mixed school because it's is more of a challenge and that's in a good way.
ReplyDeleteBy charlotte
i think it would be better at a mix school because you can compare eachother at sports and other things
ReplyDeleteThe country has loads more room , with bigger spaces and you can shout, yell or whatever be as loud as you can. It always has fresh air!!! The Country Rocks!!!!
ReplyDeleteI would like to stay at a mixed school so you can mix and you can learn to co-oporate well with the other gender.
ReplyDeleteI would prefer a mixed school because you can share ideas and learn how to co-operate with the opposite gender, so in the future you know how to relate to others.
ReplyDeleteBeing in a single sex school would have different advantages and disadvantages to different people. Some would be less distracted if they worked in an environment with people of just the one gender, where others would find it harder. Also when you go to pursue a job most would require you to work with people of opposite gender, something some people may find hard in a single sex school.
ReplyDeleteI think we should have girls high and boys high because the boys wont put down the girls when they do something and the girls wouldnt chase the guys.